Wednesday, August 28, 2013

What The Heck Does "Numismatic" Mean??

This was one of the first questions I asked when I was starting out in precious metals. I kept hearing about it in YouTube videos. Someone would hold up two silver coins and point to one and say "this one is worth more than this one because it's a numi". HUH? A numi? What the what. So began my search for information on the word numismatic. I could get into a lengthy long explanation and try to come off as an expert (which I am not, at least not yet ;) ) , but I would rather give you a quick explanation. Numismatic is when a coin has a higher value than the spot price. Now the coin could have a low mintage, maybe its really, really old and was pulled from the bottom of the Bermuda Triangle or it could have an interesting history attached to it. Personally I don't do a lot of purchasing of oldie but goodies when it comes to coins. I prefer the newer shiny stuff. SO most of the modern coins I come across with a high price are because of  numismatic value and they are considered "numi's" because the mintage numbers are really low, limited and graded. 

Semi Numismatic? Oh boy. So from what I have gleaned from the silver community on YouTube is that, well how can I say this....ummm yeah , lots of people don't agree on this term. Lots of mixed feelings about this one. I'm not gonna even go there. 

So who are these YouToobers I'm following learning from? Well here is just a few. Check 'em out and hey, maybe subscribe! Join the club :)